Wednesday, April 23, 2014

While Writing: I Want to be Happy, I Found Philosophy

Hendrix - What do I want: To be happy.

Nietzsche - Why do you want to be happy?

Hendrix - I want to be happy so I can enjoy life and live comfortably inside myself.

Nietzsche - What is enjoyment in life?

Hendrix - Laughter, you forget it all, an laughter is so momentary or "in the moment", sex is in the moment, Music is in the moment. I want to live every single moment.

Nietzsche - Why?

Hendrix - Life is fleeting an not everlasting, therefor I would like the most out of every moment that I am granted.

Nietzsche - What gives you the most?

Hendrix - Fulfillment feeling nothing but all my senses are occurring at once.

Nietzsche - Does this make you happy?

Hendrix - Yes, it makes me happy.

Nietzsche - Why?

Hendrix - There is no sense of time, everything seems perfect.

Nietzsche -Why is everything perfect?

Hendrix - It would seem in that moment nothing needs to be changed, <There is no Thinking>. There is no should I do x or y, or will p or q happen - what if t and g were present, none of these thoughts occur.

Nietzsche - Would you say you're most happy when you are not thinking?

Hendrix - Yes, I would agree that I am happy when I am not thinking about outcomes, everything is....

Nietzsche - Would you say outcomes are not healthy?

Hendrix - I would say that outcomes are unpredictable an therefor over analyzing them can trap your mind.

Nietzsche - What kind of trap?

Hendrix - A trap of continual replay of events that are just as unlikely to occur than the originally planned outcome.

Nietzsche - Why is this bad?

Hendrix - This is only bad when the thoughts or outcomes influence every step of our day.

Nietzsche - So would you rather not worry about your day?

Hendrix - Yes in some sense, I would like to be completely open to what is occurring.

Nietzsche - Is this not scary to you not knowing an outcome?

Hendrix - No, we never know an outcome, we only think we know the outcome. We validate ourselves immediately after an occurrence matches what we perceived to be the right piece or outcome. What we don't see are the infinite occurrences moving in the background that have not been accounted for.

Nietzsche - Do the occurrences matter, an if so why?

Hendrix - I believe these occurrences do matter, given the multiple applications any occurrence could factor into your day.

Nietzsche - What kind of occurrences?

Hendrix - All occurrences, but the easiest are the occurrences that disrupt an entire plan. An occurrence could trigger multiple outcomes later in life or exactly in that very moment. Occurrences such as a chair falling in a restaurant, when planning to get up calmly.  Now as an individual getting up post-chair fall that individual stands up cautiously. This caution travels through the body affecting nerves, blood flow, and thought. These occurrences are like little fractions in the earths crust, small tiny cracks that continue to press the mind or life entirely. The continual forces/occurrences of unpredictable randomness are continually shaping our lives without us knowing.

Nietzsche - What do you say this means about life?

Hendrix - In life we're planted in a time and place we are out of control selecting. We encounter objects, people, cultures, that have been pre made without our choosing. All these occurrences shape our minds, our actions and our lives. Literally all factors are out of our control, the language we speak, the actual construction of order to which our thoughts would occur. We get so good at observing the world we actually believe we're apart of this world.

Nietzsche - Do you not believe we are capable of actual action?

Hendrix - Yes, I do not believe we are capable of actual action.

Nietzsche - Why would you say such a thing?

Hendrix - We certainly feel we're in control. But what are we in control of not our environment, certainly after years an years of programming we believe we can change our environment. The belief individuals can just pick up an move, but that move is limited, its not where individuals can dream of going an beyond. There are so many factors that can not be changed, giving us the more likely scenario that those factors are actually changing us.

We can not change the weather of our environment even if we move far far away, there is those occurrences. Even with heaters and air conditioners ext, we believe this as a change to the environment, but these are just manipulations to our environment. We can only manipulate our environment to a certain extent and that is not control. This is a manipulation of our minds that we're in control.

Nietzsche - So are you saying our environments are moving us more than we move them?

Hendrix - Yes I am saying that.

Nietzsche - How do you describe my ability to think then, rationalize, question?

Hendrix - I would describe all those abilities as deep manipulation.

Nietzsche - How so?

Hendrix - What is an individual doing being rational? An individual being rational is moving around gears in their mind that they seem to think if placed together will work.  The rational gears this individual is moving seem to be theirs, but are actually the only gears that have been given to them.

Nietzsche - Like a skill?

Hendrix - Yes similar to a skill, a person's use of rationalization is the individual use of the gears that have been implanted into their mind.

Nietzsche - An does a person control how these gears move an the order they're put in their minds?

Hendrix - No, that individual doesn't. A simple concept to grasp to relate the two items would be for an individual to try an pronounce a word. Which is a common occurrence to many individuals, the moment the individual has a slip of the tongue and forgets this word. Now I ask you did that individual choose to lose that word? You tell me. If that individual chooses to lose that word, this individual is subconsciously sabotaging themselves in this moment. This would lead to be an out of control event. On the opposite if the individual had not chose to lose this word, the individual is still classified as out of control.

Now we can play the numbers game an play the endless questioning of the affect of one word lost. Whether this word was the name of a commonly ordered beverage for this individual, resulting to a few laughs or perhaps a different purchase. Little tiny changes, that occur everyday (crack). On the other end, this word could be lost during an important interview, during a public speech, or even the words I Do during an individuals wedding. These lose of words can be more rapidly realized the dramatic effect in the moment.  - same as larger unplanned events

Nietzsche - I see, so we do not have control over our gears of rationality for these gears have already been shaped into the matter they will preform?

Hendrix - Yes, our minds are running a little game with us, manipulating us into believing we're in control.

Nietzsche - How would you describe happiness then?

Hendrix - Happiness is that moment when you are no longer being tricked. You just are, the observer being let in on the inside joke.

Nietzsche - This would make you happy then, to be continually present?

Hendrix - Correct, I would like to always "get it", to be in on the joke.

Nietzsche - Do you believe this to be possible?

Hendrix - Only if I am properly geared to observe that occurrence.

Nietzsche - Then how does one become happy if happiness is a set item, uncontrollable to people's liking?

Hendrix - Exactly, happiness is not a one time love affair at first kiss. Happiness comes and happiness goes. It hits every single individual differently at different times depending on the gears placed in that individuals mind.

Nietzsche - So individuals don't pick when to be happy instead individuals get picked when they will become happy based off the principles of hidden occurrences that have shaped those individuals for those moments.

What would you say to those individuals who are usually unhappy?

Hendrix - Well I would first say if these individuals were continually unhappy that these individuals are gaining an occurrence by reading, speaking or listening to this. Now that individual may or may not have that light bulb moment immediately, it may be a small fracture in their mind. As I said before, referring to forgotten words. (This reading) could be a forgotten word at a local store forgetting the name of a drink, or (this reading) could be a forgotten word during an interview. One would be a non ground shattering experience right away, or (this reading) could be an immediate crack in the gears of someones mind. Non the less the individual is receiving data in this very moment, how life chooses to shape the data is on life.

Nietzsche - So there are no real answers for the unhappy?

Hendrix - Unhappiness is similar to happiness it comes and it goes. Those individuals that are more unhappy than happy are being shaped differently than a happy individual. Both individuals still have the same random occurrence value.

Nietzsche - Random occurrence value?

Hendrix - Yes random occurrence value, both individuals have a possibility to switch persons at any moment. The happy can become unhappy and the opposite for the unhappy can occur. Each individual could or could not have the proper gears for the next moment to become happy or unhappy. Both individuals are the same person in the occurrence world, both individuals states can be switched at any moment.

That is the unpredictable and underpinning behind which people are unable to create their realities but are only observers of each individual reality. An more direct, people are placed in the exact order they're suppose to be.