Wednesday, April 23, 2014

While Writing: I Want to be Happy, I Found Philosophy

Hendrix - What do I want: To be happy.

Nietzsche - Why do you want to be happy?

Hendrix - I want to be happy so I can enjoy life and live comfortably inside myself.

Nietzsche - What is enjoyment in life?

Hendrix - Laughter, you forget it all, an laughter is so momentary or "in the moment", sex is in the moment, Music is in the moment. I want to live every single moment.

Nietzsche - Why?

Hendrix - Life is fleeting an not everlasting, therefor I would like the most out of every moment that I am granted.

Nietzsche - What gives you the most?

Hendrix - Fulfillment feeling nothing but all my senses are occurring at once.

Nietzsche - Does this make you happy?

Hendrix - Yes, it makes me happy.

Nietzsche - Why?

Hendrix - There is no sense of time, everything seems perfect.

Nietzsche -Why is everything perfect?

Hendrix - It would seem in that moment nothing needs to be changed, <There is no Thinking>. There is no should I do x or y, or will p or q happen - what if t and g were present, none of these thoughts occur.

Nietzsche - Would you say you're most happy when you are not thinking?

Hendrix - Yes, I would agree that I am happy when I am not thinking about outcomes, everything is....

Nietzsche - Would you say outcomes are not healthy?

Hendrix - I would say that outcomes are unpredictable an therefor over analyzing them can trap your mind.

Nietzsche - What kind of trap?

Hendrix - A trap of continual replay of events that are just as unlikely to occur than the originally planned outcome.

Nietzsche - Why is this bad?

Hendrix - This is only bad when the thoughts or outcomes influence every step of our day.

Nietzsche - So would you rather not worry about your day?

Hendrix - Yes in some sense, I would like to be completely open to what is occurring.

Nietzsche - Is this not scary to you not knowing an outcome?

Hendrix - No, we never know an outcome, we only think we know the outcome. We validate ourselves immediately after an occurrence matches what we perceived to be the right piece or outcome. What we don't see are the infinite occurrences moving in the background that have not been accounted for.

Nietzsche - Do the occurrences matter, an if so why?

Hendrix - I believe these occurrences do matter, given the multiple applications any occurrence could factor into your day.

Nietzsche - What kind of occurrences?

Hendrix - All occurrences, but the easiest are the occurrences that disrupt an entire plan. An occurrence could trigger multiple outcomes later in life or exactly in that very moment. Occurrences such as a chair falling in a restaurant, when planning to get up calmly.  Now as an individual getting up post-chair fall that individual stands up cautiously. This caution travels through the body affecting nerves, blood flow, and thought. These occurrences are like little fractions in the earths crust, small tiny cracks that continue to press the mind or life entirely. The continual forces/occurrences of unpredictable randomness are continually shaping our lives without us knowing.

Nietzsche - What do you say this means about life?

Hendrix - In life we're planted in a time and place we are out of control selecting. We encounter objects, people, cultures, that have been pre made without our choosing. All these occurrences shape our minds, our actions and our lives. Literally all factors are out of our control, the language we speak, the actual construction of order to which our thoughts would occur. We get so good at observing the world we actually believe we're apart of this world.

Nietzsche - Do you not believe we are capable of actual action?

Hendrix - Yes, I do not believe we are capable of actual action.

Nietzsche - Why would you say such a thing?

Hendrix - We certainly feel we're in control. But what are we in control of not our environment, certainly after years an years of programming we believe we can change our environment. The belief individuals can just pick up an move, but that move is limited, its not where individuals can dream of going an beyond. There are so many factors that can not be changed, giving us the more likely scenario that those factors are actually changing us.

We can not change the weather of our environment even if we move far far away, there is those occurrences. Even with heaters and air conditioners ext, we believe this as a change to the environment, but these are just manipulations to our environment. We can only manipulate our environment to a certain extent and that is not control. This is a manipulation of our minds that we're in control.

Nietzsche - So are you saying our environments are moving us more than we move them?

Hendrix - Yes I am saying that.

Nietzsche - How do you describe my ability to think then, rationalize, question?

Hendrix - I would describe all those abilities as deep manipulation.

Nietzsche - How so?

Hendrix - What is an individual doing being rational? An individual being rational is moving around gears in their mind that they seem to think if placed together will work.  The rational gears this individual is moving seem to be theirs, but are actually the only gears that have been given to them.

Nietzsche - Like a skill?

Hendrix - Yes similar to a skill, a person's use of rationalization is the individual use of the gears that have been implanted into their mind.

Nietzsche - An does a person control how these gears move an the order they're put in their minds?

Hendrix - No, that individual doesn't. A simple concept to grasp to relate the two items would be for an individual to try an pronounce a word. Which is a common occurrence to many individuals, the moment the individual has a slip of the tongue and forgets this word. Now I ask you did that individual choose to lose that word? You tell me. If that individual chooses to lose that word, this individual is subconsciously sabotaging themselves in this moment. This would lead to be an out of control event. On the opposite if the individual had not chose to lose this word, the individual is still classified as out of control.

Now we can play the numbers game an play the endless questioning of the affect of one word lost. Whether this word was the name of a commonly ordered beverage for this individual, resulting to a few laughs or perhaps a different purchase. Little tiny changes, that occur everyday (crack). On the other end, this word could be lost during an important interview, during a public speech, or even the words I Do during an individuals wedding. These lose of words can be more rapidly realized the dramatic effect in the moment.  - same as larger unplanned events

Nietzsche - I see, so we do not have control over our gears of rationality for these gears have already been shaped into the matter they will preform?

Hendrix - Yes, our minds are running a little game with us, manipulating us into believing we're in control.

Nietzsche - How would you describe happiness then?

Hendrix - Happiness is that moment when you are no longer being tricked. You just are, the observer being let in on the inside joke.

Nietzsche - This would make you happy then, to be continually present?

Hendrix - Correct, I would like to always "get it", to be in on the joke.

Nietzsche - Do you believe this to be possible?

Hendrix - Only if I am properly geared to observe that occurrence.

Nietzsche - Then how does one become happy if happiness is a set item, uncontrollable to people's liking?

Hendrix - Exactly, happiness is not a one time love affair at first kiss. Happiness comes and happiness goes. It hits every single individual differently at different times depending on the gears placed in that individuals mind.

Nietzsche - So individuals don't pick when to be happy instead individuals get picked when they will become happy based off the principles of hidden occurrences that have shaped those individuals for those moments.

What would you say to those individuals who are usually unhappy?

Hendrix - Well I would first say if these individuals were continually unhappy that these individuals are gaining an occurrence by reading, speaking or listening to this. Now that individual may or may not have that light bulb moment immediately, it may be a small fracture in their mind. As I said before, referring to forgotten words. (This reading) could be a forgotten word at a local store forgetting the name of a drink, or (this reading) could be a forgotten word during an interview. One would be a non ground shattering experience right away, or (this reading) could be an immediate crack in the gears of someones mind. Non the less the individual is receiving data in this very moment, how life chooses to shape the data is on life.

Nietzsche - So there are no real answers for the unhappy?

Hendrix - Unhappiness is similar to happiness it comes and it goes. Those individuals that are more unhappy than happy are being shaped differently than a happy individual. Both individuals still have the same random occurrence value.

Nietzsche - Random occurrence value?

Hendrix - Yes random occurrence value, both individuals have a possibility to switch persons at any moment. The happy can become unhappy and the opposite for the unhappy can occur. Each individual could or could not have the proper gears for the next moment to become happy or unhappy. Both individuals are the same person in the occurrence world, both individuals states can be switched at any moment.

That is the unpredictable and underpinning behind which people are unable to create their realities but are only observers of each individual reality. An more direct, people are placed in the exact order they're suppose to be.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mining Life The Secert to Chipping Your Goals - Hint Five Simple Steps Inside

So you're lost! Looking to discover that inner guidance that will move you forward to life's next breathe taking moment. Good, that’s a beautiful thing. Your day does not come with a satisfaction guaranteed stamp. There is nothing wrong with a little bit of work. Living in an age where every single aspect is becoming instant, smaller, slimmer, faster!

What do we expect besides, a push button for inner peace. Soon we become shocked that, our days are slipping past us, with no real memories or emotional jolts. Just a few spare moments where multiple episodes of the Office gave us a laugh, Walking Dead gave us a thrill, Game of Thrones made us rise to the occasion of declaring our loyalty to a flag, and March Madness has us taking a risk and placing a bet. 

Wonderful for the moment, but where is my fulfillment? These task are pouring small amounts of water in a glass we continually keep tipping back. Only to find it empty when we set it down, finding a reflection of ourselves wondering where it all went. Empty, but able to be filled again; but what is it that you want to fill your glass with? Where are your real glass fillers? Luckily we live in a world with an ever growing possibility of glass fillers.  

 You have to be a miner. Gold, Diamonds, the best friends of men and women. These are the true materials we are all looking for those gems of time, that are so solid they have to be Real! The thing about the miner is, she does not pick up her pickaxe, with one swing to the ground. One chip of the earth, and the task is complete. She is forever rich, she has found gold. No this is not reality, this is not the true state of the miner. 

Why? That story sounds so good, forever rich has a certain ring to it doesn't it? Of course it does, that is the quick cup filler we keep quenching ourselves with. That is the problem, which is the reason we do not feel the true emotion. The quick swing is followed by quick lose, the quick pour is followed by a quick drink. Only when we carry that large bucket of water, home to our glass and we pour the arctic water into our glass, is when it is truly Gold. When the adventure of getting the water from a land less traveled, the blisters of our hands are no longer burning but smoothed out from the ice cold glass. The hardship of cries and yells are left in the past. We drink from the cup slowly because the water is so cold. The water is so cold and fresh that we even, after all our personal adventure, say you have to try this, it taste so good. Your hard work is such a privilege, that your water needs to be shared. An after those last drops are put back into your mouth. It’s not over, the adventure lives throughout your mind. It wasn't simple so you simply cannot forget it.  

That's the beauty of the miner, the miner is all of us. We sit in our small towns, villages or cities, living our everyday lives. Then one day we are tossed a piece of news that triggers our mind. We hear a voice say there is Gold there, there are Diamonds over there. We become the miner, we say I could go get that. Then reality sets in, I have to dig, I have to dig deep. What if nothing is actually there? What if someone has already found it? Worst of all why do I deserve to mine there? 

These are all the reasons why we need to pursue your mining. Fear is the reason to dive forward. The monster roller coaster that you're most afraid of is the one that will give you the most joy, the one that will leave you with the largest memory. Mining that roller coaster, the pull of your friends or loved ones telling you  "come on lets go on it", that’s mining. The rumbling around in your head, should I do it, I would love too, nooo I couldn't possibly go on it. It will be fun, but it’s so high, but it’s safe but what if it isn't? This is mining, the long, long line, is mining, that’s putting in time for the thrill. Chipping away at the line, slowly, slowly, slowly we move forward. We get hours into it, should we turn back, well you're already here might as well continue forward. The moment when you can taste the drop, is mining. When you get right up to the ride, strapped in you could still yell, GET ME OFF, this is mining, you scream this inside your mind seconds before you gain the glory! This is mining. 

The beautiful thing behind this is, we make the things we are most scared of really difficult in our minds, so we wrestle with the idea for a small amount of time which is good. But we tend to let the difficulty win, before we have even faced this. Many of us can relate this with the idea of cleaning our room or doing a simple high school homework assignment. The beautiful thing is, like the roller coaster, we move forward with the idea, we get caught up in the moment and slowly mine our way to our goal. We just do it, whether it was our friends, loved ones, or just ourselves, when we go forward, it’s not instant and that is the best part. You don't just decided to go on the roller coaster an instantly, boom you're at the very top of this monster that you have to face. No you slowly juggle this idea that you're afraid of. You slowly move forward. We talk to people in line, we hear stories of how wild and crazy this ride is. We hear stories of people how have turned back, while we are in line, while they were mining. This adds to the thrill of us wanting more.  Building the fear, but we keep mining slowly, slowly we get there.  This is the beautiful things, we are not faced with the diamonds until we have slowly prepared ourselves unknowingly. We arrive at the right moment. We never know how long the line is going to take, we don't know if the ride will get stuck, we don't know if during our travels our cars will breakdown, we don't know, but we go. 

We go forward, continually we move forward, we have done this mining over and over again in or lives. The glories task of cleaning our home feels pretty good, actually. We don't get a parade for the completed task but it makes us feel just as good, we walk around, realizing how much space we actually have. We find items that were under our couch that can trigger a long lost memory, no one else feels this memory but you do. And there is nothing wrong with these success, success follows success, the only problem is realizing what a success is, what is actual happiness? Mining, mining your success, the gold might be the ultimate goal, but in pursuit of gold, we travel across the country seeing people, places, Foods that we never would have back home. We gain confidences in ourselves, when our GPS goes out in a large city or rural area and we find a new way to navigate. We are mining without a pickaxe, we don't even know it but we are succeeding.  When we finally arrive, to our gold destination, we begin to actually chip away. 

The first chip is the first dollar made at a self-start up grocery store, the first like of your well designed dress, then the next couple of chips come, we stop thinking about their meaning because we're working, but every chip is just as important as our first. Slowly we mine, slowly we are six feet deep, in the ground we have a moment where we realize, hey I never would have thought I would make it this far.  We take this moment in, we have an ice cold bucket of water moment. Then we continue, we chip, we chip, we have to stop for rest, our arms begin to hurt, like our legs in line for a roller coaster. We begin to doubt ourselves, we think will I ever get there, when will this be over, but you're chipping, mining away just as you did that first chip, it’s just as important. We become deeper and deeper in the pit, getting closer but we're not sure, we keep swinging. People may show up, like the people in line at the roller coaster, telling you tales of friends who have turned back, telling you tales of how scared they were. They may come and say look at this pit that you're digging, they don't see the mining, they don't see the pursuit, they see the moment, and they don't see the moments. They don't see that you learned about South Vietnamese's Fo, on your journey, they don't see that you met a handful of friends at the tavern the night before. They see this pit, an empty lot, full of you. You're mining, you have to continue, you have made it this far, you already have so much invested. The mining continues, it becomes harder and harder, the earth becoming harder, tougher, but you're mining for diamond, the hardest substance on the planet, the earth should be getting harder. The pain seems like you should turn back when actually you should push that much further. 

An after all this, adventure. After all of these different success we reach our ultimate success, we strike our gold, we strike our diamond. It may just be a small piece at a time, but we see the gold, diamond layers in the earth, we get rejuvenated, it becomes easier to push, to keep pushing. We get ahold of the gold, the diamonds. What happens, the people that were standing above you rush back, people that have never heard your story, rush toward you, they have no idea of the path, they have no idea of every moment you encountered, they just see gold. You're in their eyes an overnight success. They remember themselves telling you that you could do it, they will go back to their taverns that night and say I told her, she could find gold in that pit. That story for them is the quick drink of success. When its closing time and they set down their glass, they see themselves at the bottom of the glass empty.  

Mining, is the thrill, mining is the actual gold in all of this. Once we realize we can mine, the gold is endless. Mining is the overall goal, the allowance to know that voice in your head is right. There is gold there and you can take it. The gold of the world is your real experiences, the trades, skills, vocabulary, people and family that you meet on the way. Those are the gold pieces because they're the most easily shared, they bring the most wealth not only to yourself but everyone else involved. 

Thank you for reading, I am glad that you looked after yourself and decided to mine to the bottom of this page in a time where, people demand the sticky notes. Mining to the bottom was a simple success for you and a success for us. Please share if you have the desire.

Great Work Mining the five simple steps!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to Talk to Twice as Many Women & Have Twice the Fun

I want to make this simple for you. I will give you Three easy steps to Improve your approach. These steps will not only help you at your local coffee shop, but have allowed my partners and I to talk to girls from all over the globe. Yes globally, whether I have been in Brazil, with little knowledge on how to speak portuguese, or on the other side of the Atlantic, in Greece. These three quick tips are Proven, Easy and most important Fun.

Lesson one. Eye Contact

Whether you are walking to class, on a subway train, exploring a national monument, eye contact is HUGE. Eye contact is a signal of interest, like holding a hand out to hail a cab, but less aggressive. Your eyes say, "Hey I find you interesting". Literally as guys we catch ourselves looking at women all the time just for a second out of a spark of interest. Own that spark, find out why that person caught your eye gaze for split second. Don't act as if you can't look at Art in a gallery because you can't afford it. It's a game of chess, when they spot you looking at them. Women, they will notice and are very in tune with their surroundings and how aggressive guys can be. Show your confidence and slowly you will soon be casually getting closer to each other for the sheer fact of curiosity.

Lesson Two. Smile

Practice smiling, we are in 2014 guys smile. As comedians joke girls go to clubs to just dance "Dane Cook". Even if this were true, if you're the guy at the club, coffee shop, art gallery, best friends wedding, with the plain face, or even worse hard ass face. You will just be that, Plain, Boring, Unnoticeable. You want to be the guy that says, I am getting a Raise Today, This wedding is AWESOME, I am Excited to be here! You attitude adds value to peoples lives. So when you catch a girls eye, notice the catch and smile, your whole world has already opened up. These two simple steps are a primal language, that breaks all barriers.

Lesson Three. Be you

Guys how many times have girls said this to us, just be yourself. Here is a tip, girls are not telling you to be the guy that jams away on video games all day, when she knows you used to go for runs for fun. Be you Means  - Be your Best Self! Go to video game expos, if your are that die hard, come back with a story. Don't just spill chips on yourself at home. If you talk about vacations that you never go on than you're not being you. You want to skydive don't do it in Call of Duty, Schedule that shit on Facebook if no one shows up, Boom you're a confident guy who jumped 30,000 feet out of a plane by himself. Honestly scared shitless, wishing he had that confident girl right there to hold is hand. You tell people friday night stories like this they will listen, and ask for more. Being the Best you, leaves no room for I have no idea what to say to her.

The Breakdown.

Bump into a cutie at the coffee shop, 1. Catch eyes, 2. Smile, 3. Be the Best you, you'll end up saying, "hey, I can't believe we ordered the same drink. You must be an interesting girl. I would love to chat but I have ballet lesson to attend. I wish we could have a longer moment to talk. Lets exchange numbers, matter of fact you should come with, I am in need of a trusted dance partner." Think she won't be blown away? You think even if she has a pretty nice boyfriend, who is at home right at that moment drinking mountain dew and eating last nights pizza she won't be inclined to give you her number expecting you have too much going on, you may not even call her. If you call her, her man, probably won't even notice. Being You opens doors. Being you brings you around all kinds of people you want to be around.


Have fun, go out an use these quick tips and watch doors open; come back with a story. Follow The Flamingo.

FallinanGo, is all about Going for What you want! FallinanGo, means get out there get dirty, come out with an experience. Failure is an illusion and we are here to insure that all failures are success and hilarious stories later on. Our motto Follow the Flamingo - is inspired by a Eye Catching Bird, Follow that Bird, whether its a job opportunity in Australia, a music career as a street performer in Atlantic City, or Going after that High School Sweetheart who has sparked your interest for way to long. FallinanGo. Follow The Flamingo

These tips can be flipped, girls don't feel as if its only held to men. Try these tips out, see the results and if any question arise email us your questions at